About Us

Welcome to Our Kind of Travel – Sharing Earth’s Most Beautiful Places to Inspire Your Travel

We are Andrew and Suzanne, a couple of fifty somethings who live on a smallholding in Scotland, where we love to be outdoors, walking and immersing ourselves in the magnificent landscapes that surrounds us.

Our desire to travel is fuelled by a longing to experience the diverse and stunning natural world, experiencing different cultures and having some adventures along the way. This passion for exploring has brought us to over fifty countries across four continents so far, with plans to visit many, many more.

How We Like To Travel

We travel thoughtfully and with respect for the places and people we visit. We believe travel should enrich the lives of those embarking on the adventure as well as the lives of the communities visited.

We seek out what makes a destination unique. Aside from the scenery and people, this includes the accommodation, food and modes of transport. We like to fully experience new places and enjoy contrast.

A trip may find us bike packing through remote hills, wild camping along the way, followed by a comfortable couple of nights in a city hotel, before heading off to go kayaking with a final day relaxing on a remote beach.

We don’t always seek the cheapest option, but we do like value for money. We’ll usually suggest different options to suit different budgets. This is particularly relevant for accommodation, as where you stay often has the biggest impact on trip costs.

What Our Kind Of Travel Offers

We love sharing earth’s most beautiful places with you and hope to inspire your trips and offer helpful tips on how to make the most of your travels. At Our Kind of Travel, you’ll find destination guides, itinerary suggestions, recommendations for tours and accommodation, gear reviews, best of reports, walking and cycling routes and more.

We provide reliable, honest and trustworthy information. We meticulously research and maintain up-to-date information that you can rely on. Travel information goes out-of-date quickly, so we make a point of checking our articles and updating them regularly.

Join Us

We invite you to explore the world, cherish its wonders, and protect its beauty. Together, we’ll make each adventure unforgettable, and every memory everlasting.
